quarta-feira, 17 de setembro de 2008

Surfar com os Metallica

Em 2004 a sorte grande saiu a Robert Trujillo. Não ganhou o Euromilhões, mas foi aceite numa banda onde lhe ofereceram 5 milhões de dólares só para se habituar à ideia de ser um dos membros dos Metallica.

Com Death Magnetic, o primeiro disco em que trabalhou desde o início, Trujillo falou à Rolling Stone. Como conseguiu ser chamado para a audição? No surf ...

in Rolling Stone

Rolling Stone: Do you know how you got on that list?
I'm not 100 percent sure. I think it was a combination of things. One was I toured with Metallica, with Suicidal Tendencies. That's where I originally met everybody. And less than a year prior to me receiving the call, a mutual friend of Kirk's called and said, "Kirk and I are coming down with some friends. Can you show us some surf spots around L.A.?" I thought that was neat: that Kirk, the vampire I knew, the nocturnal man, was ready to explore daylight and surfing in Southern California. He was in an RV with three friends. We spent a weekend hitting different spots.

Robert Trujillo: The whole thing, at least from what I understand, was they each had people they wanted to bring into the auditions. I became Kirk's guy. From my understanding, Lars wasn't aware of much that I had done. [In addition to playing with Suicidal Tendencies, Trujillo toured and recorded with Ozzy Osbourne and worked with Alice in Chains guitarist Jerry Cantrell.] I don't know where James' head was at.


RS: You joined at a tumultuous time.
RT: It was intense. I had to learn the catalog of music, 22 years of music. And I had to learn the St. Anger album. "We've never played this material as a band, but you've gotta learn it. And your first gig is going to be at San Quentin State Penitentiary." [Metallica filmed a video for St. Anger there.] It was almost like I lived at the studio then. The guys would leave at 11 PM, and I would be there until two or three in the morning, just trying to do the best I could.

It's like you're caught inside a massive set of waves. You get thrown, you're down under, and you come back up again and get thrown around some more. Now I feel I've come out and seen the light of Metallica. I feel more comfortable with the catalog. But I also feel more comfortable with the guys. We've grown together, connecting on tours past, knowing how each personality clicks. You gotta know how to balance each person, because they're so different.

A banda sonora para a próxima surfada a doer já está escolhida. Resta encontrar as ondas certas

The Day that never comes

Bons tubos

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